Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Approval or Disapproval?

In Act 5 Scene 2, and line 56, Horatio responds to Hamlet by saying, "So Guildenstern and Rosencrantz go to 't." After reading in context of the conversation, I believe that Horatio is saying this neither in approval nor disapproval. When I read up to this line, I just get the sense that Horatio is making small talk with what he says in line 56. It seems like water-cooler talk. Hamlet explains to Horatio that the two of them had it coming, and Horatio's expression and demeanor seems to remain nonchalant and he seems as if he really doesn't care about what happened with them. I know I didn't provide any textual support for my opinion, but after reading it numerous times that's how Horatio came across to me.

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