Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Postmodernism in Adolescence-II

There are numerous examples of postmodernism within Rita Dove's "Adolescence-II". For example, in lines 8-10, the three seal men ask "Can you feel it yet?", and then "They chuckle, Patting their sleek bodies with their hands." The way the men chuckle provides an example of the celebration of disorder. It seems to me that the poem is talking about this girl getting raped, and the men are laughing about it. Another example of postmodernism is "the three seal men with eyes as round As dinner plates and eyelashes like sharpened tines". Even though I believe that the three seal men are actual men, it is possible that they are signifiers that don't point to signifieds. It could be that the three seal men are not really men at all, however that isn't what I believe.

Rita Dove's "Adolescence-II"

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