Sunday, March 9, 2008

Pullin a Heinrich

Just a few moments ago, around 10 pm, I told my dad I was going to head down to the gym because I was pretty much done with my homework. He then proceeded to head into my room, turn on the light, and tell me I hadn't made any progress cleaning it up. I then replied with a "I know, I know; I'll get around to it", and that's when it all started. First we started debating on whether or not I had actually made any progress at all, then he said, "I think that's what you always say. You always say you'll get around to it." I replied by saying that I eventually do "get around to it", just not as quickly as you'd like. He said that I don't get around to it, seeing as how it has only happened two or three times in the last two years. I told him that even though it may have only happened two or three times, the fact that it gets clean proves my point that I do "get around to it", whether or not it's timely though is up for debate. We then went back and forth with the same arguments for a while, and he finally told me, "You aren't bolstering your case very well." I could tell the big bad wolf was getting angry, so I told him what the assignment was and I read him the dialogue between Heinrich and the father. Before I even got half of the page read he cut in, saying I sounded just like Heinrich, always trying to piss him off with some stupid comments. Haha. I kept reading and he then grabbed the book and said "What is this crap (not really the word he chose)? This just sounds like a bunch of mental masturbation!" I then told him, "Hey, it's postmodern. That's what it's supposed to be," and with that I ended the conversation and came here to blog.